Works and Days
Intentional Media:
The Crossroads Conversations on Learning
and Technology in the American Culture
and History Classroom
Vol. 16, Nos. 1 & 2
Randy Bass, Teresa Derrickson, Bret Eynon, and Mark Sample
Part I: Intentions
Rand Bass and Bret Enyon: "Teaching Culture, Learning Culture, and New Media: An Introduction and Framework"
Part II: Consequences (Case Studies)
Barbara C. Ewell: “Feminist Pedagogy in Cyberspace: Learning to Teach (a Little) Differently”
Sarah Robbins and Anne Pullen: “Re-designing the Conversazione: How Can Twenty-First-Century Instructional Technology Foster Feminist Teaching about Nineteenth-Century Women’s Work”
Peter Sands: “A Report from MOOtopia”
Kathleen Walsh: “Virtual Diversity: Transforming the Classroom through Cross-Cultural Encounters on the Web”
Rina Benmayor: “Technology and Pedagogy in the Oral History Classroom”
Susan Butler: “Race and Gender in an Internet-based History Course”
John McClymer: “Inquiry and Archive in a U.S. Women’s History Course”
Carl R. Schulkin: “High Voltage Teaching: Using New Media to Electrify Students and Classrooms”
Tracey M. Weis: “Using Electronic Discussions to Interpret and Construct Narratives of Women’s Activism”
William Bryant: “Teaching an Internationalized American Studies with the Internet”
Melinda de Jesus: “Integrating New Media Technology and Asian American Studies”
Chris H. Lewis and Bruce Henderson: “Teaching American Studies Introductory Courses Using the Web”
Ron Buckmire, Gabrielle Foreman, and Donna Maeda: “’Race, Gender, and Justice’: New Technologies and Student Empowerment”
Mary McGuire: “Wired in the Classroom: Reflections on Instructional Technology and Pedagogy”
Ivy Schweitzer: “Women’s Studies Online: Cyberfeminism or Cyberhype?”
Part III: Meaning (Respondents)
James Farrell: “Thinking Together”
Gregory Jay: “Strategies and Challenges in High-Tech Teaching”
Paul Lauter: “Thinking About Thinking About the New Media”
Sherry Linkon: “Three Lessons: Learning to Teach All Over Again”
Mark Sample: “Resisting Technology: The Right Idea for All the Wrong Reasons”
David Shumway: “Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts”
John McClymer: “Text in Hypertext: Is Chicken Little Right This Time?”
Kathy Walsh: “Response”
Ron Buckmire, Gabrielle Foreman, and Donna Maeda: “Beware of Geeks Fearing Shifts”
Ivy Schweitzer: “Response to the Crossroads Collection Comments”
Kimberly Wallace-Sanders: “Navigating the Net: Conversion, Conversation, and Substantive Learning”
Randy Bass and Bret Eynon: “Afterword and Forward”
Appendix A: Reflective Prompts and Working Synthesis I and II
Appendix B: List of Participants in the Crossroads Research Project and New Media Classroom Projects
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Works and Days
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