Works and Days
Capitalizing on Play:
The Politics of Computer Gaming
Vol. 22
Ken McAllister and Ryan Moeller
David Downing: Preface
Ken McAllister and Ryan Moeller: Foreword: "Resistance Is Not Futile"
Part I: Games and Media Convergence
Harry J. Brown: "Competing Strategies for Adapting Film Narrative to Video Games: Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings"
Chris Crawford: "Some Observations on Credit Assignment"
Daphne Desser: "‘Why not Leeloh?’ and Other Disasters: Children’s Computer Games as a Site of Cultural Contention, Corporate Corruption, and, Despite all That, Cognitive Development"
Chris Crawford: "Personal Thoughts on the Disney Brouhaha"
Ron Scott: "Simulation or Simulacrum?"
Judd Ethan Ruggill: "The Promise of Sports Games"
Chris Crawford: "A Thought on Box Copy"
Jennifer deWinter: "Multi-Media Narratives: The Videogame in an Emerging Mega-Literacy"
Chris Crawford: "The Future of Computer Games"
Part II: Games & Politics
Amy Clary: "Digital Nature: Uru and the Representation of Wilderness in Computer Games"
Chris Crawford: "Ga-Ga Over Graphics"
Darin Payne: "Making Nation-Building Fun: The Game-Plays of the God-Wannabes in Global Capitalism and Black and White"
Chris Crawford: "Repent the End is Near!"
Laurie N. Taylor: "Playing the System: Economic Models for Video Game Narrative and Play"
Rafael Fajardo SWEAT: "Juan & the Beanstalk: A Game Work in Progress"
Chris Crawford: "Goodbye"
Chris Crawford: "Portrait of the Gamer as Enemy"
Part III: Games and Social Engineering
Drew Kopp: "Computer Gameplay as Grunt and Reflection"
Steffen P. Walz: "Delightful Identification & Persuasion: Toward an Analytical and Applied Rhetoric of Digital Games"
Chris Crawford: "Representation Versus Depiction"
Kevin Moberly: "Reality for Sale: Roleplaying, Ideology, and Multi-user Dungeons"
Chris Crawford: "My Own Vision of the Revolution"
Nicholas White: "Computer Games, the Civil War, and Education"
Chris Crawford: "Reviewing the Reviewers"
Gareth Schott and Andrew Burn: "Art (Re)production as an Expression of Collective Agency within Online Fan Culture"
Chris Crawford: "Computer Games are Dead"
Zack Whalen: "Game/Genre: A Critique of Generic Formulas in the Video Games in the Context of 'The Real'"
LGI Research Collective: "Mission Statement of the Learning Games Initiative"
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Works and Days
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