Works and Days 25/26
CyberSpaces: Pedagogy and Performance
on the Electronic Frontier
Vol. 13, Nos. 1 & 2
Charles J. Stivale
Charles J. Stivale: “’This Funny Chemistry’: Narrative Desire and
Discourse in Text-based Virtual Reality”
Leslie Harris: “Transitional Realms: Teaching Composition in ‘Rhetland’”
David Hogsette: “Unstable Conditions: Dynamics of Dissent in Electronic
Discursive Communities”
Ethel Endstrom and Kim Fredderson: “Culture and Anarchy in Cyberspace”
Beth E. Kolko: “Building a World with Words: The Narrative Reality of
Virtual Communities”
William Millard: “’A Great Flame Follows a Little Spark’: Metaflaming,
Functions of the ‘Dis,’ and Conditions of Closure in the Rhetoric of a
Discussion List”
Lynn Cherry: “’Objectifying’ the Body in the Discourse of an
Object-Oriented MUD”
Lisa Nakamura: “Race In/For Cyberspace: Identity Tourism and Racial
Passing on the Internet”
Allison Fraiberg: “Electronic Fans, Interpretive Flames: Performing
Queer Sexualities in Cyberspace”
J. Randal Woodland: “Queer Spaces, Modem Boys, and Pagan Statues:
Gay/Lesbian Identity and the Construction of Cyberspace”
Candace Lang: “Body Language: The Resurrection of the Corpus in
Text-Based VR”
Cynthia Haynes: “pathos@play.prosthetic.emotion”
Frederic Pallez: “Ordeal of Abandonment: Absence and Simulation in the
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